Rewiring the brain past (traumatic) experiences.

"Neuro Bloom provides non-intrusive therapeutic play approach for children and their families in their schools and individual clients from an office space in central Barnsley."
For children and young people, conventional talking therapies are generally unsuitable and inappropriate as they struggle to articulate or they might not be ready to put their complex feelings and emotions into words but they will communicate their distress through their behaviour, which is often seen as “problematic and uncontrollable” at schools. Therapeutic play helps children with behavioural and emotional problems to help themselves through “playing out” their thoughts and feelings and to make sense of their life experiences alongside highly intuitive and trained specialist.
By offering a variety of play and creative arts materials in a safe, confidential and non-judgmental therapeutic environment, I am able to help the child/young person to connect with the emotional experiences that they are struggling with. Within the safety of the boundaries, the child is able to identify, work through and resolve emotional conflicts or simply make sense of them. Some of the therapy toolkit items include: sand tray, clay, art and crafts, nature/ nurture, dressing up, music, movement, puppets and many more.
I offer a non-directive form of therapy which allows the child to lead the direction and pace of the work in their time and on their terms. Paramount to this process is the relationship that the child develops with the counsellor. This relationship is different to any other relationships child will have with adults and peers. As a neutral person, biased to the family life and other adults, I will allow the space to open up, be heard in a safe, empathic, and unconditional positive regard environment.
Before the therapy starts a meeting is held between myself and anyone deemed appropriate. Confidentiality is maintained at all levels. In parallel to this meeting a Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is asked to be completed which acts as a screening tool in identifying specific needs. Upon completion of an individual’s therapy, a detailed report is then produced and submitted to previously agreed recipients for review and discussion.
As for the sessions themselves, there are no preset conditions, however typically 12 sessions will be recommended, each 45 minutes long. Every client is different and I take a great care to ensure the techniques used within the session relate to the specifically identified needs. Prior to commencement of therapy boundaries are agreed with each client to ensure safety and safeguarding at all times.
I strongly believe that working collaboratively with parents and teachers is the answer to fully facilitate child’s growth. I work with both the children, their families and teachers on an open-closed basis, typically 12 sessions, with the aim of enabling their full potential to lead happier, safer and healthier lives.
I will work with the child’s parents, carers and teachers to support the Therapeutic Play process. I will initially hold a one-to-one meeting with parents/carers and teachers to gather their view of he child’s needs and provide information about Play Therapy. During the Therapeutic Process, regular meetings will be held to monitor the process and if needed an advice and guidance will be offered.

Who Can Benefit from Play Therapy
Play Therapy is suitable for all children including those with learning, physical and sensory impairments. It can help alleviate many emotional and behavioural problems, including children who are:
Not realizing their full potential academically or socially
At risk of being excluded from school
Unhappy or having friend problems
Having nightmares or disturbed sleep
Suffering as a result of trauma
Victims of neglect or emotional, physical or sexual abuse
Witnesses of domestic violence or substance misuse
Autistic, have ADHD, life limiting illnesses or disabilities
Experiencing transitional, behavioural or anger management problems
Being bullied or are bullying
Adopted or fostered
Suffering because of separated/divorced parents
Suffering from anxiety, stress, or phobias
Have low self-esteem
Suffering from a loss or bereavement
Experiencing parents identity or sexuality change